What’s next?
My new historical fiction series
The Eagle Quartet which is a follow on series to Secret Lives
Also currently researching and collecting information for
A History of Garthorpe and Fockerby
Garthorpe and Fockerby at War is now out of print so rather than lose that information I thought I would write A History of Garthorpe & Fockerby. This will include the military information amongst other memories, anecdotes, and photos from the residents of the two villages.
Most people think their memories are insignificant, that they aren’t important enough to be in a book, but they are part of our history and as such should be documented, or they will be lost. If you or members of your family have memories, anecdotes, stories or photos of life in the villages, maybe things you were told by your grandparents, great-grandparents or even further back, I would love to include them in the book.
You can either email the stories to me or record them and send a voice file to mybooks @carolemctbooks.info (remove the space to email me).
Please include your name and a rough date so I know where to include it and put a message in the main body of the email or I will think its spam😊 All anecdotes, memories, stories, photos etc will be attributed to the contributor in the book unless you state otherwise. If you want to remain anonymous in the book that’s fine, but I do need your name, so I know its genuine.